Article 30, Operation of the European Semiconductor Board.
1. The European Semiconductor Board shall hold ordinary meetings at least once a year. It may hold extraordinary meetings at the request of the Commission or a Member State and as referred to in Articles 20 and 23.
2. The European Semiconductor Board shall hold separate meetings for its tasks referred to in Article 28(2), point (a), and for its tasks referred to in Article 28(2), points (b), (d), (e) and (f).
3. The Chair shall convene the meetings and prepare the agenda, after consulting the members of the European Semiconductor Board, in accordance with the tasks of the European Semiconductor Board pursuant to this Regulation and with its rules of procedure.
The Commission shall provide administrative and analytical support for the activities of the European Semiconductor Board pursuant to Article 28.
4. Where appropriate, the Chair shall involve representative organisations of the semiconductor sector and shall invite experts with specific expertise in the subject matter, including from stakeholder organisations, and appoint observers to take part in the meetings, including upon suggestion from members.
The Chair may facilitate exchanges between the European Semiconductor Board and other Union bodies, offices, agencies and expert and advisory groups. To that end, the Chair shall invite a representative from the European Parliament as a permanent observer to the European Semiconductor Board, in particular to meetings concerning Chapter IV on monitoring and crisis response. The Chair shall ensure the participation of relevant other Union institutions and bodies as observers to the European Semiconductor Board with respect to meetings concerning Chapter IV on monitoring and crisis response.
Observers and experts shall not have voting rights and shall not participate in the formulation of opinions, recommendations or advice of the European Semiconductor Board and its sub-groups. Where appropriate, the European Semiconductor Board may invite those observers and experts to contribute with information and insights.
5. The European Semiconductor Board shall take the necessary measures to ensure the safe handling and processing of confidential information, in accordance with Article 32.